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Su Mei

Ilham no.2 (3rd series) March 26, 2014 days later, 12 March 2014 Tears fallin the night after I drove away from you, Two passionate and strong minded individuals Tried a life together. It did not work out with the differences in CORE BELIEFS. If you do not LOVE me enough to try, Why? Should I give up what I believe in for YOU? Your promises are empty to me.  Putting a relationship “FIRST” never works, as you always put yourself first.  I told you my views of FAITH being the CORE. You did not accept it, is it me or YOU THAT IS BLIND?

Ilham no.1 (3rd series) March 26, 2014 Within A Few Hours: 12 March 2014 I think of you most in the Morning, Lingering, Throughout the day, the memories does not seem to leave me alone.  I miss your touch, your care and the conversation. Is that what brings us to the conclusion of together forever? Evidently it is not enough.  We used to share so much, and within a few hours, we are mere strangers. 

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