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Su Mei

11th November 2022

The more connected to myself

I notice that the weather always turns out

In my favour, despite the chance of rain

In the moments where I really need it

The sun always shines and the clouds part

Living in an outcomes driven society

It is hard to let go of expectation, striving,

Growth and KPIs

Perfectionism is the name of the game

Without the aim to let go of shame

Anxiety is rampant, never good enough

The harder I try, stronger disappointed

We have lost our ability to flow and create

To be inspired and be curious

Is it possible that in reaching,

we are deceiving ourselves

and short changing ourselves from our ultimate destiny

One we could not imagine for it to really be

I am interested in it appearing

Not calculated and not constructed

By sticking true to the course

May my future be painted in front of me

Something new, something fresh

May I trust my course, like the weather

That the universe will unravel

Protect, nurture, provide and sustain me

For the days of my life so that I may water all the beautiful flowers around me with my nutrients and energy

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